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Local SEO for small business websites

Local SEO for small business websites

Small business websites often face specific obstacles when it comes to local SEO.

Even if your small business is located in a big city or area where most consumers can find you, you still frequently rank lower for “local” searches than another similar business in a nearby town or city.

This often has to do with competition, too. If another business in the same town is targeting the same keywords, it’s more likely that that website will rank higher than yours for local searches.

Attract the right customer

This is where Local SEO for small business websites comes in. Your small business website may be attracting customers—but are they the right customers? For local businesses, local SEO (search engine optimization) is new—and challenging. You’ll need to set your claim to Google, Bing, and other major search engines. Let’s look at a few basics:

  • Don’t stray from posting schedules that work.
  • There’s no better way to get people involved in your community than by hosting giveaways!
  • You can check your insights to see when your audience is active on Instagram.
  • Be sure your CTA is always clear.

Small business websites often face specific obstacles when it comes to local SEO. Even if your small business is located in a big city or area where most consumers can find you, you still may often rank lower for “local” searches than another similar business in a nearby town or city. This often has to do with competition, too. If another business in the same town is targeting the same keywords, it’s more likely that that website will rank higher than yours for local searches.

Your small business website may be attracting customers—but are they the right customers? For local businesses, local SEO (search engine optimization) is new—and challenging. You’ll need to set your claim to Google, Bing, and other major search engines. Let’s look at a few basics: What is SEO? How do I start my SEO strategy? How do I know if I’m getting results? How do I measure success? How long does it take? How do I keep track? How do I scale?

A quick and inexpensive method of testing yourself and your site’s SEO is to see what happens when you enter different keywords into a web browser’s URL bar. It’s easy to test multiple variations of a single word or phrase — just try entering each variation into the browser’s address bar. When you get to the end result, click through from page to page, looking for patterns. 

Developing Positive Relationships
Local Search Engine Optimization keeping your customers happy

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Local SEO for small business websites 9

In conclusion, local SEO is the process of optimizing your website and online presence to rank in Google Maps and search engines for local searches. When you show up at the top of your local search results, you’re more likely to capture the attention of potential customers.

SMBs can still benefit from local SEO when building their websites. Using local SEO keywords market research and optimizing your content for local search visibility can lead to more local website traffic and higher conversion rates.

Key Takeaways

  • Remain Top of Mind
  • Be Seen to Sell
  • Learn Something New

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