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Project preparation for a presentation of the investment company

Project preparation for a presentation of the investment company

By handling an investment company must prepare carefully, unfortunately, often applicants investments do not represent what is happening in the investment company with their project. But much depends on the ability to competently negotiate. Here, first of all, we must remember that the presentation of the project is not loud advertising campaign.

Therefore it is necessary to refrain from such allegations: “We know how to make our region better,” “a super-business idea” and “earn money for us.” Such thoughts have become a personal conclusion of the investment company and the investor on the basis of the analysis provided in the business plan and a summary of the project.

Each applicant investments should be aware that investment firms can not immediately appreciate all the market opportunities of the project, but are able to verify the correctness of the calculations, methodology and objectivity of marketing research, competency management team.

Also, do not expect that to project financing is sufficient to create another company to open a new legal entity and “start a new life from scratch.” Investment company and the investor must know the history of a project, as well as the history and the future plans of the applicant company.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the amount received from the investment of even minor reallocation of funds for any needs that are not associated with the project would be impossible. Investors do everything to avoid it, up to the scheduling of funding, control over every stage of the investment and compliance with construction documents.

List of documents

So, when referring to the investment company applicant must have:

1) a business plan and a brief summary of the project with the basic integral indicators;
2) summary on the management company (summary of planned managers);
3) information about the applicant company: financial statements of the applicant company (form number 1 and number 2) in the last reporting period, with the mark of the tax office, address card company.
4) The documentation package should strictly comply with the requirements of investors and comprehensive coverage of business idea that will showcase business and investment approach of the applicant will contribute to the promotion of new and useful innovation project.