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Success Blogging Tips For Beginner Bloggers

Tips For Beginner Bloggers
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Bloging can be beneficial for your business whether online or off. You can generate traffic for your business by creating a blog about it and posting to it on a regular basis.

One way to create more traffic for your business is to include links to your website in the blog entries you post. Search engines will see these links and eventually rank your site higher because of them. The higher ranking means more traffic.

Blogs that are cataloged by search engines can also bring you traffic by simply appearing in the search engines. The searches done for a topic will lead back to your blog and you can then direct that traffic to your business through the links in your blog.

Bloging is one easy way to establish yourself as an expert on a topic or in a field. If you write often in the blog about your products and give out helpful, valuable information, people will come to trust you as an expert on that subject. They will be far more likely to buy your product because they feel like they know you.


You can also drive traffic to your website by researching keywords that are searched for on search engines. Find keywords that are specific to the products you sell. Look them up in a search engine and find out how many searched are being done for those keywords.


Then post to your blog using those keywords. If you do this well enough you will eventually start getting traffic to your blog because the search engine is finding those keywords in your blog and directing that traffic to your site were you talk specifically about those keywords.


Posting to a blog is a way to establish trust with consumers. The people who read your blog will find out more about you and the products you sell. They will come to see you as a person and not a website. Your personality and brains can really shine through in your blog and can lead to attracting many more customers and turning those into lifelong customers.

Develop a Routine

In this Information Age of Social Media and the explosion of the internet, a really good skill to develop and offer to a company is that of being able to do regular blogs. This is a fantastic way for the new graduate to promote him or herself in the workplace. They may have joined the company as a graduate trainee accountant, for example, but why not offer their services as the primary Company Blogger’s


This is an excellent way of getting their company’s name promoted and indeed gaining a following within their own industry. By regular, interesting and topical updates the new employee will be seen as an expert and authority in the subject in question. By writing, for example, regular weekly blogs the benefits are two fold firstly elevating the new employee as creative and innovative whilst, by association, enhancing the reputation of the company. They are showing their bosses that they are not just there for the specific role in question but are adding additional value within the workplace.

Fresh Value Delivered Unique Content

Google loves people to submit blogs as they are looking for fresh content as new information attracts people and advertisers to continue using its services. New content is also excellent for getting the employee’s company moving up the page rank. Ensure that the content is relevant and topical. Make sure that all grammar is correct, together with punctuation and easy to read, by laying it out in simple paragraphs. The blog should be no more than three to four hundred words as people do not have time to read pages of text. Make it short, punchy and relevant to that industry and the benefits will accrue in the future for both company and employee alike.

Social Platforms

Blogging tools continue to get more powerful. Twitter is considered the most up to the minute posting platform. Most niche markets can be associated with news stories along with a little imagination. Blogging about the latest news and developing trends can create tremendous influence on agendas and advertising campaigns.

Blogging to make money requires effort, just like any other occupation. One of the reasons it often goes off the rails is because people stop blogging for long periods. If you have interested readers you need to keep them interested by providing new content. If you don’t they will be gone. This is a mistake that lots of bloggers make when they are still learning how to earn online.